Route Managers
(Image at top: Michela Thomann, Route Manager Dordogne, France)
Making your independent trip ‘happen’
On each independent route there is an ATG Route Manager, who is there to take care of all the practicalities and ensure the success of your trip. Route Managers have all been ATG-trained, speak English and the language of the country fluently, and live in the local area.
Maria Gainuta, Route Manager Siena to Florence, Italy
What will your Route Manager do?
- Welcome you at your first hotel, usually between 9-930, the morning after your arrival. If you would like to meet the Route Manager at a different time please let us know prior to departure.
- Check through your chosen itinerary with you, and confirm all your arrangements
- Provide you with up-to-date information about events in the area, such as festivals or exhibitions
- Make reservations for you at restaurants en route, if required
- Advise you on local transport services, as required
- Answer any questions you may have
- Transport your luggage on the route
- Give you telephone numbers where they can be contacted 24 hours a day in the event of an emergency
- Contact you at the end of your trip for any feedback you may have
- Do everything to ensure that you derive maximum enjoyment from your holiday
With all the practicalities taken care of you’re free to relax and enjoy your holiday….
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